Indefinite story 272

All I want now is to be save by tomorrow .
Really . Please , I'm really praying very hard to just get promoted.
I can't even be truly happy now .
If you see me smiling and laughing , maybe it was funny but my heart is still weighing down.

Yes , I admit I might not be trying hard enough for exams this year .
I promised , really , I will work even harder next year.

Please , I really want to get promoted.

我只想坚强一点, 加油啊, 林依伶。
你很勇敢对不对, 不准哭!

I will be fine , I will be .

Please . My prayers will be heard .
Fairies and angels , I know you are always there for me .
This time , I know you will protect me through right?
Especially Fairy Sweetie , I know you will always be there for me , always .


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