Indefinite story 159
Ok! Performance is over ~~
A big thank you to Mingzhi !!
Though you keep scolding us, but you meant well=D
Thank you for the hard work & of course everyone else!
I dont care what others say about the dance , I know
Today was a crappy day .
Woke up in the morning and went school with Cheakmin
Sat with Anling in the bus . It's a long time I ever sat with you .
Went to have fun with Kercing , Tanyan , Huiwen , Everlyn and Shirleen.
We went to have fun jiu correct le la. Right???~~~
Kercing was madly in love NIGHT ON FIRE.
I realised DDR was not as fun as The whatever parapara machine that you play the sensor one.
Shirleen , Kercing and me are loving it alot !
It was saddening that I slip and fell before I even wear my skates
>.< It is painful when you skate as there is a cut at the toe there .
T.T I almost fell and I shouted " F la ! " super damn loud la .
>.< Paisei seh .
Then a bunch of guy past me and one of them said
to the other one that I almost fell because I saw him lol .
What a joke right?
Shirleen really fell la but at least no injuries .
Be careful la. I know you can skate alot faster than me but careful !
Just like me I can skate but slowly .
In some way , I had fun with people . & I am tired now .....
I know I want to sleep but I am posting here just to update this .
Some pictures only so I upload next time since the blogger thinks my photos are too big.
And i am too tired to do anything to my photos le .
[There are still some with Shirleen]
So baobei remember to send me ok?
Okok but I will post 1 picture which I feel it is nice la >.<

TATA~ Gone for the day!
A big thank you to Mingzhi !!
Though you keep scolding us, but you meant well=D
Thank you for the hard work & of course everyone else!
I dont care what others say about the dance , I know
Today was a crappy day .
Woke up in the morning and went school with Cheakmin
Sat with Anling in the bus . It's a long time I ever sat with you .
Went to have fun with Kercing , Tanyan , Huiwen , Everlyn and Shirleen.
We went to have fun jiu correct le la. Right???~~~
Kercing was madly in love NIGHT ON FIRE.
I realised DDR was not as fun as The whatever parapara machine that you play the sensor one.
Shirleen , Kercing and me are loving it alot !
It was saddening that I slip and fell before I even wear my skates
>.< It is painful when you skate as there is a cut at the toe there .
T.T I almost fell and I shouted " F la ! " super damn loud la .
>.< Paisei seh .
Then a bunch of guy past me and one of them said
to the other one that I almost fell because I saw him lol .
What a joke right?
Shirleen really fell la but at least no injuries .
Be careful la. I know you can skate alot faster than me but careful !
Just like me I can skate but slowly .
In some way , I had fun with people . & I am tired now .....
I know I want to sleep but I am posting here just to update this .
Some pictures only so I upload next time since the blogger thinks my photos are too big.
And i am too tired to do anything to my photos le .
[There are still some with Shirleen]
So baobei remember to send me ok?
Okok but I will post 1 picture which I feel it is nice la >.<
TATA~ Gone for the day!
Shirleen :Arigato ~ =D
Sanna : I only ate the chocolates today la ! See i so guai recover le then eat ok~
Shiwei : Ya la ya la. Dont so naggy . So hows your trip ? Now there fun anot
Miss Tan : hehe ! So surprising wor ! You came to tag ~ . Hah There will be chances la =DD hahs
Judy : I know you missed me =DD hahs
Mingzhi : We should thank you instead ! THANKYOU AH ZHI JIEH !