Indefinite story 156
Yesterday I woke up not very willingly as it is 6.50 a.m in the morning but I have to go for SLC so
climb out of bed.
Met Sonia at CCK mrt at 7.48 a.m
Reached school and teacher wasn't here yet.
So about 9 a.m we cabbed to Esplanade as the school clerk forgotten to submit the bus form.
I dont really like taking taxi , it gives me a weird smell and make me want to puke >.< We ahead to meet Calvin & the other one which i dont really remember his name. Given out our tshirt so we went to change. The shirt is superb cute ! The front was Are yo:) someone's At the back was Angel? & of course the sponsors . It was really cute . Anyway I had to comment that Esplanade toliets are really clean and nice! We bused to the Aerogreen farm . We were crapping and disturb the guy was took us to tour the farm. Almost every sentences he ended with a Ya. So we went ok ya. Cut your crap ya etc etc. All with a ya behind . We waited for the old folks to come and intially I was afraid to communicate with them I cant speak Malay and Hokkien so I spoke in Chinese , English and Cantonese I went : Paisei la , My cantonese not that good . [ Paisei la , wo de guang dong wa mhe sai ho ho ] Then those asked me in malay , I said : I dont know malay in malay . Hahs . So I had to call sonia , Nabila and Shahira for help . For those who communiate in hokkien are only Howard and Isabel. Then Calvin was talking in Malay , Chinese and English. It was really hard to communiate with them . After the event , they left and soon our bus came. We went back to esplanade and Calvin left on the way back as he had an interview. Before he left , everyone is hypering away but after he left everyone went to sleep . Then Howard turned his radio on and scared everyone up . He made me feeling to bash him up . Miss Victoria Chong came to find us . She is really different in School and outside school. Ok , I shall not say so much . I dont want to type anymore . LAZY ah.... Pictures

Calvin~. Nabila took this.

Huien Production la .

Harry U owe this?? Then treat me le~

Jeffry~~ Your family shop??

Can someone explains to me why the water will go upwards?
I have been figuring it out for months and I still didnt get the answer.
Its really nice right?

eh ~ . Those who want the rest of the photos for the dance msn me la~
climb out of bed.
Met Sonia at CCK mrt at 7.48 a.m
Reached school and teacher wasn't here yet.
So about 9 a.m we cabbed to Esplanade as the school clerk forgotten to submit the bus form.
I dont really like taking taxi , it gives me a weird smell and make me want to puke >.< We ahead to meet Calvin & the other one which i dont really remember his name. Given out our tshirt so we went to change. The shirt is superb cute ! The front was Are yo:) someone's At the back was Angel? & of course the sponsors . It was really cute . Anyway I had to comment that Esplanade toliets are really clean and nice! We bused to the Aerogreen farm . We were crapping and disturb the guy was took us to tour the farm. Almost every sentences he ended with a Ya. So we went ok ya. Cut your crap ya etc etc. All with a ya behind . We waited for the old folks to come and intially I was afraid to communicate with them I cant speak Malay and Hokkien so I spoke in Chinese , English and Cantonese I went : Paisei la , My cantonese not that good . [ Paisei la , wo de guang dong wa mhe sai ho ho ] Then those asked me in malay , I said : I dont know malay in malay . Hahs . So I had to call sonia , Nabila and Shahira for help . For those who communiate in hokkien are only Howard and Isabel. Then Calvin was talking in Malay , Chinese and English. It was really hard to communiate with them . After the event , they left and soon our bus came. We went back to esplanade and Calvin left on the way back as he had an interview. Before he left , everyone is hypering away but after he left everyone went to sleep . Then Howard turned his radio on and scared everyone up . He made me feeling to bash him up . Miss Victoria Chong came to find us . She is really different in School and outside school. Ok , I shall not say so much . I dont want to type anymore . LAZY ah.... Pictures

Calvin~. Nabila took this.
Huien Production la .
Harry U owe this?? Then treat me le~
Jeffry~~ Your family shop??
Can someone explains to me why the water will go upwards?
I have been figuring it out for months and I still didnt get the answer.
Its really nice right?
eh ~ . Those who want the rest of the photos for the dance msn me la~