Indefinite story 92
The person who scolded me in the first place .
I agree with you i suck but in only certain places.
I know there no 100 percent of people i know or i dono know will like me.
To Mr/Ms stranger! ?
The stranger guy.
Well , you are weird . Since you hate me and say i sucks
Why bother coming here to spam me?
Its feels good to soam others right?
How you know i act cute? You saw me personally in reality?
Oh well , i didnt act smart .
I only wanted to improve my english.
To be truthful , my english suck since i already flunk my previous exam .
So may i know why are you so proud to come here and spam ?
Tell me why you hate me and think i suck .
And since you are not happy with my action including my face
Please do not come here and see eh.
And of course to clarify with you I am definitely underage to do such things.
So dont even bother to write such words up here .
I not going to get angry. I not going to curse and swearing . I willl only be answering you calmly.
I agree with you i suck but in only certain places.
I know there no 100 percent of people i know or i dono know will like me.
To Mr/Ms stranger! ?
The stranger guy.
Well , you are weird . Since you hate me and say i sucks
Why bother coming here to spam me?
Its feels good to soam others right?
How you know i act cute? You saw me personally in reality?
Oh well , i didnt act smart .
I only wanted to improve my english.
To be truthful , my english suck since i already flunk my previous exam .
So may i know why are you so proud to come here and spam ?
Tell me why you hate me and think i suck .
And since you are not happy with my action including my face
Please do not come here and see eh.
And of course to clarify with you I am definitely underage to do such things.
So dont even bother to write such words up here .
I not going to get angry. I not going to curse and swearing . I willl only be answering you calmly.