Indefinite story 88

Dancers ,
Please , This is really the last few practices .
Some of us are already trying our very best yet there still
a handful of you all getting out of control , slacking .
I know everyone is tired . Including the band members.
Excepting from all of you , our target is getting a gold right?
Maybe even gold with honor.
We worked hard for months , getting ourself tanned and sunburns etc.
Its only 3 more days left .
Kindly just try your very best .
The senior leaders are getting everyone to cooperate .
They are also tired just like you and me .
Follow what they say. Its all good for you .
We dont want people to say ," Oh its Chinese dance which worsen the Whole West Spring Display Band Show. " right?
We already disappointed Mr Lim numerous times , we dont want to let him down right?
We are working for ourself , our own sake .
So try hard . Perfect every move . Have more confidence in yourself .
With such discipline , Chinese dance will also have their good reputation right?
All the best to everyone !
West Spring Military Band ! Keep moving forward !