Chapter 432 First solo to Tainan & Taichung
Here's to travelling alone which I have no idea whether I will be cool or not about it. I guess it is a test for me to see whether how much I have grown to take care of myself and how I am able to handle myself in terms of physically and emotionally.
Be surprised that this trip post came by so fast because I have been drafting it during my travelling time in Taiwan. I'll try to do up my Seoul one like in the near future before the year ends? But my roster is way too packed guys. So unwilling to do resume flying duties.
Departed Singapore later due to thunderstorms which didnt allow the cargohold to be loaded or offloaded as well.
Got myself to use the firm ticket no point wasting it. First travel which crew went to acknowledge staff who are travelling onboard. If its me , I probably cant be bothered to say hi at all. #failedasafellowcrew. I wasnt able to catch my sleep since I never slept well onboard even during crew rest.
Reached tainan, Pinhong's friend came to be my tour guide for my stay. First bike ride and its just so convenient to ride there, parking is free and its just cool. They dont really ride a motorbike there, scooters are much of a common transportation. Instead cars are considered troublesome due to the space constraint and the amount of bike in comparision. It did make me resparkle my idea of learning on how to ride but hmmm, I guess not when I cant even ride a bicycle properly and amount of fear I have when even driving in singapore roads, because people just can't be much bothered with a 2 wheel vehicle. I love having foreigners friends so I can bitch about my country. Whats more when they are from taiwan? I guess I should aim to earn at least 1 friend per county :)
Basically you can cover tainan in 2days, so here is where we went
大东夜市 - Depends on the day you are in tainan, check which night market are open accordingly
十鼓文化园区 - Some activities are free such as a really cool fast slide and abseiling , VR experience etc.
奇美博物館- There should be a water fountain show but maintenance period oh well.
Beyond Petite台南比漾貨櫃市集 Very not worth going because its just so small.
安平老街Anping Old District and Anping Fort
渔光岛 Yu guang dao - Just nice there was an art installation festival going on , thus there to 'click' for IG post. I do like how Taiwan has places to chill even when you got nothing to do. You never run out of date places and its like there is always new places popping out or just go visit the next city if you are bored of yours.
Left for taichung and its the real deal of travelling alone. Got to figure out whole taichung transportation works. So any buses you take so long you do not exit 10km of travelling distance, the bus is free. Basically I paid nothing for travelling in taichung
Went to visit art installation before checking in since I was early.
Got up and headed to Changhua, things are not well explored here but lets just do it.
彰化客运 6933 I didnt even ask the driver and just popped up the bus and had google to assist me. Dropped at 市场街 , to visit the老街, 天后庙 , 鹿港艺术村, 摸乳街. 鹿港公园 but the deers were totally in the shade. So I dont see deers in nara neither in taiwan.
Basically I walked myself around in the district, to my Taiwanese friends its like mission impossible but to me its very possible to walk so much. If you are not so much of a person who walks, you may want to consider renting a bicycle like ofobike,mobike etc after dropping at the 市场街. I did saw many people who rents it but do be early , I was there at like 10am at a weekday but it has been all rented out.
Be surprised that this trip post came by so fast because I have been drafting it during my travelling time in Taiwan. I'll try to do up my Seoul one like in the near future before the year ends? But my roster is way too packed guys. So unwilling to do resume flying duties.
Departed Singapore later due to thunderstorms which didnt allow the cargohold to be loaded or offloaded as well.
Got myself to use the firm ticket no point wasting it. First travel which crew went to acknowledge staff who are travelling onboard. If its me , I probably cant be bothered to say hi at all. #failedasafellowcrew. I wasnt able to catch my sleep since I never slept well onboard even during crew rest.
Reached tainan, Pinhong's friend came to be my tour guide for my stay. First bike ride and its just so convenient to ride there, parking is free and its just cool. They dont really ride a motorbike there, scooters are much of a common transportation. Instead cars are considered troublesome due to the space constraint and the amount of bike in comparision. It did make me resparkle my idea of learning on how to ride but hmmm, I guess not when I cant even ride a bicycle properly and amount of fear I have when even driving in singapore roads, because people just can't be much bothered with a 2 wheel vehicle. I love having foreigners friends so I can bitch about my country. Whats more when they are from taiwan? I guess I should aim to earn at least 1 friend per county :)
Basically you can cover tainan in 2days, so here is where we went
大东夜市 - Depends on the day you are in tainan, check which night market are open accordingly
十鼓文化园区 - Some activities are free such as a really cool fast slide and abseiling , VR experience etc.
奇美博物館- There should be a water fountain show but maintenance period oh well.
Dessert time, some old shop selling tauhuey. And hi leebum , he is the tour guide for my trip haha.
Day 2 met up with Pinhong and his wife thus random photos while waiting for Leebum to be here after his work. P/S you know what , I regret most about this trip , not having a group photo at all. I must be insane , how can I not have group photo . 2nd : Not going KTV at all in taiwan. Can you believe after going so many times of taiwan, I have yet to go into the KTV? Like this is so sad, just like how I go Hongkong without going Lan Kwai Fong, Its like erm, what nonsense are you saying. :(
Beyond Petite台南比漾貨櫃市集 Very not worth going because its just so small.
安平老街Anping Old District and Anping Fort
渔光岛 Yu guang dao - Just nice there was an art installation festival going on , thus there to 'click' for IG post. I do like how Taiwan has places to chill even when you got nothing to do. You never run out of date places and its like there is always new places popping out or just go visit the next city if you are bored of yours.
Left for taichung and its the real deal of travelling alone. Got to figure out whole taichung transportation works. So any buses you take so long you do not exit 10km of travelling distance, the bus is free. Basically I paid nothing for travelling in taichung
Went to visit art installation before checking in since I was early.
The sun is raging hot, that I felt sunscreen was useless . Sun spots appeared on my face now, gosh. Came back to check in and napped before heading out to 诚品. I really love how taiwanese love their reading culture here. If I am those who stayed in Taiwan , I bet I would hang out in the bookstores all day when Im free. At least they allow browsing of books here. Its so nice to see people sitting there just to read. I guess I had too much of bubble tea here that I feel like I will have diabetes anytime. Instead I didnt managed to eat as much as I would love to. Appetite always fails me.
Got up and headed to Changhua, things are not well explored here but lets just do it.
彰化客运 6933 I didnt even ask the driver and just popped up the bus and had google to assist me. Dropped at 市场街 , to visit the老街, 天后庙 , 鹿港艺术村, 摸乳街. 鹿港公园 but the deers were totally in the shade. So I dont see deers in nara neither in taiwan.
Basically I walked myself around in the district, to my Taiwanese friends its like mission impossible but to me its very possible to walk so much. If you are not so much of a person who walks, you may want to consider renting a bicycle like ofobike,mobike etc after dropping at the 市场街. I did saw many people who rents it but do be early , I was there at like 10am at a weekday but it has been all rented out.
To head back , I took bus 9018 back to taichung train station. About an 1hr which is alot more convenient to go back.
Tips in taichung, I never knew that buses in taichung so long you dont exceed 10km of travelling distance , with an Easycard , its free. The announcement in the buses comes really quick and if no one presses the exit sign, or hails it, the driver will give drive past it. So for travelers its best to use your google maps to check your stations. And the bus arrival time are really accurate, if you happen to sleep on a long distance trip, you may choose to set an alarm prior to your station.
Tips in taichung, I never knew that buses in taichung so long you dont exceed 10km of travelling distance , with an Easycard , its free. The announcement in the buses comes really quick and if no one presses the exit sign, or hails it, the driver will give drive past it. So for travelers its best to use your google maps to check your stations. And the bus arrival time are really accurate, if you happen to sleep on a long distance trip, you may choose to set an alarm prior to your station.
Headed to Taipei before getting back to Singapore, the newly built metro form Taoyuan airport direct access metro to taipei is really convenient , just about 30mins ride as compared to the past where you had to take a bus to Taoyuan HSR then to the city you want to go.
Here I am back in Singapore with my laptop , just done packing up my luggage for my next flight.
I really want to thank my taiwan friends accompany me during my time in Tainan , if not I probably will die from boredom of not talking much to people and getting lost. Many love to you guys , till the next time we meet again. Being alone to travel isnt much of a big deal to me anymore , you just get lost , google it , ask someone and move along. Having your meals, shopping , strolling alone was all part and parcels of my usual life. And thanks to my job , I got even better at it to live my life like this.
But if you were to ask me whether I would do it ever again, no darling , not when I have a choice to go with someone. Till the next time Taiwan, I will be back for sure.