Indefinite story 384

Almost recharged from the weary 6 months to start my last sem of school life real soon.
Although I have yet to be bored from the things I do now, but I'm out of shows to watch.
I think I can get to used life like that , not having troubles on anything else
I do work , just not at frequent basis or long hours.
No early hours getting up just to head to work place.

2 more weeks to go to examination.
I feel like dying because of it.
To stop dancing..? Yes or No?

I don't know whether this change in me is a good or bad thing after I knew what you had in mind.
Just in a different perspective
I hope its stays.
For the better you ,
I believe you can overcome the sadness
You are better than this, aren't you?
Do keep the promise because I believe you will, be it whatever role I am in now.


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