Indefinite story 350

Hello everybodyyyy.
I'm like super awesome bored now .
Imagine I had to have such life for so many weeks? I think i'm going to die .
Though I'm those who love staying at home and rot , I cannot rot more than a day or 2!
I feel so restless after that.
Gosh gosh gosh :(
2 papers down , tomorrow after my IT exams all the ICA modules are done except Exam based .

My postages came again =]
Bought 2 passport holder , i couldn't made my mind on buying which one .
Thus , tata , bought both of them !
I did bought a new long dress too~
I guess soon , its hard to find any pants in my wardrobe which is super surprising.
I used to hate wearing dress & skirts.
On a side note : please dont mind my hair or how i look , because when im home~
I dressed very shabbily & I clip , twist , twirl ,my hair up if the weather gets very warm

One of the passport came with a luggage tag , a notebook and a ezlink sticker!
I found a website selling super cute stuffs !
ClickClick the image below!

Notebooks , stickers , Post stick , stationery , rings and alot more!

Pretty isn't it !

These are like so adorably cute!
But I got a bad habit , I buy , keep and never use them.
End up I dont know where it goes!


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