Indefinite story 330

Gotten a rose with TeoAnAn @ the streets of orchard because it was international's women day.
Haha , we are regarded as women .
Guess what , how many times i tried wanting to hit up a conversation with you when i saw you online.
But end up , I still backspaced it .
I couldn't gather my courage to ask how had you been .
I was afraid to get cold replies or even being ignored.
Work till closing today & i have to get up super early tomorrow .
Goshhhhh, I dislike this very much . Hopefully tomorrow will be a good one.
I don't like the pressure on me , its like "Urgh ! Damn it " feeling .
After performance , I'm dragging my lovely brother to IT show even though I got nothing to buy.
No harm looking at the latest gadgets right , I had been so outdated recently :<
But the most sickening thing to do is to go have fun & I got to go back to dance .
Darwin got a tablet which seems cool to me .
I rather want a newer phone first , my dear lollipop is dying on me .
* Dislikes*
My pay came but it just all went *poofs* because of my hongkong trip
& my new lappy that i want to get for my poly.
Rene suggested a lappy which she bought , oh my ..
It's pretty[Brown] & light but its not going to be selling in SP ! >: