Indefinite story 262

Happy Birthday Ducky ! =]
Ya , you got alot of dedications already .
I dont want say so many dedications . Must self satisfied uh.
What I said today , ducky must forget about it uh .
Carene , Xiu Hong , we all laugh laugh then forget about what i said uh .
Nonsense =.="
Thanks ducky for today ! =]
Great birthday you had uh =]
Andrea Sng !
Better takecare of yourself when you overseas uh.
Use this chance as san san xin eh.
Have tons of fun .
And dont forget about us when you got fun uh.
I'm so jealous about you going hongkong =[
I want to go too..
Yeah ! COMEX show soon , I'm going !
Hiphip hooray!!
Happy Birthday Ducky ! =]
Ya , you got alot of dedications already .
I dont want say so many dedications . Must self satisfied uh.
What I said today , ducky must forget about it uh .
Carene , Xiu Hong , we all laugh laugh then forget about what i said uh .
Nonsense =.="
Thanks ducky for today ! =]
Great birthday you had uh =]
Andrea Sng !
Better takecare of yourself when you overseas uh.
Use this chance as san san xin eh.
Have tons of fun .
And dont forget about us when you got fun uh.
I'm so jealous about you going hongkong =[
I want to go too..
Yeah ! COMEX show soon , I'm going !
Hiphip hooray!!