Indefinte story 237





Maybe I finally understood what you meant .
In this world , friends don't seems to be trusted all the while .
Even the close friends of yours , are all just putting a drama in front of you .
When friends becomes foes , I really can't take it .

Reality, there is only you and yourself.
You can never entrust all your 100% trust into someone .
I'm tired of putting up a strong front .
Its all too tiring , I couldn't suppress the feelings within me .
I felt weak , really .
Betrayals , backstabbers, actors and everything.
In life , how many friends can be really true to you ?
How many wouldn't turn their backs on you when someone happened?
How many walk into your life when everyone seems to be walking out of yours?
How many treat you like the way you treat them?



You know how disappointed I felt when you said that you cant go with me
as you had something on and your teacher asked you even to push the holiday away?
I really cried and cried, I don't know why either .
I anticipated about it , felt excited for it .
Yet in the end , you told me you had a grand dance performance and your teacher wants you in.
I know , dance is really important to us .
But , I really felt disappointed ...
I don't feel good inside at all.
Could you please go with me ..?
I know its hard for you to choose but ... I really dont know what to say

I am really afraid of you , afraid of your mood .
Every time your mood goes down because of something that isn't pleasant for you,
I really had to be careful on my words .
To prevent you from getting even upset of anything .
I am afraid of arguments and cold wars.
I even loathes them too.
But I was more afraid of losing you ...


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