Indefinite story 197
Firstly , Merry X'mas !
Secondly , This time round there are photos in my blog that some people may not like it .
So if you dont like it , dont enter my blog then.
Just like that Makoto , who gave comments on my Display Picture on MSN .
Oh ya , to everyone who want me to change display picture ;
I got my rights to show what pictures I want to show .
If you dont like it yet you want to chat with me .
Its easy because you can just hide display pictures. Get it?
Went out to with Mummy to have lunch with Mummy SiSi at Lake hotel a Japanese restaurant.
Surprising , I cant really take Sake and Beer so much today .
Not even half a cup of each .
I dont know why either but Sake is really easily making me blushing >.<
Just ate and ate , talk and talk and normal stuffs.
Went to a Warehouse opened by Aunt's student / godson.
There she was again to buy buy buy . Hahs .
Aunt's godson's father told me to study hard and get that certificate .
Not only one Certificate but plentiful of it .
Because you can never get the maximum number of certificates in your life .
How true that is . Uncountable number of Certificates you can get in this life.
Yup . Nothing much today !
Thats all. And the rest are photos of me .

There are still alot but I dont want to post .