Indefinite story 178 [Japan]
2November - 8 November
Japan[Kyushu] trip .
Japan[Kyushu] trip .

Due to Blogger that didnt allow me to upload my photos properly .
I was fed up of it and decided to upload it on my photobucket.
Out of the plane , I have been irritating Xiuhong with 1 sentence :
" I cant believe I am in Japan ! "
Repeating that for numerous times , guess how much you will be irritated.
Met up with our local guide [Sansho-san] .
Due to there wasnt any jam in the immigration, we are early for our first stop.
So we went to a nearby park for some sightseeing .
Headed to Robosquare.

Went around to view the different things at the place.
The seal and the whatever dog that is , is freaking kawaii!
After that , we had a robot dance show to view .
See how advance technology are now .
Robots are dancing & it's damn synchronized .
Being told that getting a robot to be programmed to walk is a hard job already , imagine how hard that is to program a robot to dance .
Have your imagination going wild & IMAGINE !
I didnt have a good sleep during the flight to Fukuoka, I only managed to catch like an hour of sleep over a 6 hours flight .
Slept throughout the 2hrs travelling from Fukuoka to Nagasaki .
At Nagasaki , we had a tour at the Atomic Bomb Museum & Memorial .
In my own opinion , the effects after the A-bomb make me very uneasy .
Because of the atomic bomb , it ruined how many people's life , destroying their hopes .
No one have the rights to take away anyone life in the first place right?
I pity those who survived it .If it was me , I would rather just die compared to live on .
Living with those aftereffects of A-bomb was terrifying.
Little Information on Atomic bomb in Nagasaki .
Nagasaki was bombed on August 9 1945 ; 11.02am.
Bomb dropped on Nagasaki was named Fatman .
Height : 3.25m
Weight : 4.5 tons
Diameter :1.52m
Explosive force : equivalent to 21 kilotons of TNT
Core of the 'Fatman" contained [Plutonium ] which was the main cause for the huge explosion.
Followed by the Tamper , Slow explosives & lastly the fast explosives.
Too bad , no photography allowed in there.
Checked in at Hotel .
It's a hotel which have tatami mats in the room with hotsprings.
Hahs I bet everyone is super interested in hotsprings right?
When you get to see others naked . LOLS.
At first , almost none of the girls wanted to go .
Except of me & Ahmui I suppose
then since Ahmui was in the same room as Gina and Carene.
We dragged both of them along . Cheryl joined us too.
Everyone was uncomfortable at the hotspring but after that ,
we were so freaking relax and tired.
Because we soaked too long .
Seriously , after the first try of hotbath , all of us wanted to go for it again .
Next time do try the hotbath when you can =D
Make me feel like sleeping once I reached my room but I didnt dared to sleep because the other 4 of them were at the lift lobby playing poker and eating cupnoodles with the guys .
No one in the room except me . & I was afraid of those *ahem* might appear . Hahs .
So I had to played some music to prevent over quiet room .
Once the others were back , all 5 of us shared the cosy 4 futon and slept
Day 2
I suppose Sanna was the first to be awake , followed by Geraldine then Kercing.
Xiuhong and me were too lazy to move and wake up.
So both of us were the last to be awake.
We started off the day with the Interaction with a atomic bomb survivor [Mr . Tani Guchi]
During 1945 , Mr. Tani Guchi was only a 16 years old young boy .
He was riding his bike and then a fireball at about 3000-4000 degree celcius blasted from behind and he was flung to a distance at [I also forgotten] .
His left arm and back was burnt & his skin was hanging like a rag still attached to his body.
Life was like hell when everyone suffered .
His flesh were rotten and had to be removed.
Japanese government are looking at US government face and did not demand a compensation for the destruction .
Its cruel to kill innocent victims.
US shouldnt drop 2 bombs in Japan . 1 bomb is already enough actually
Nagasaki shouldnt be the guninea pig of the plutonium atomic bomb nor any other country should be .
US claimed that the atomic bombs were meant to stop the war. So have your own conclusion eh .
Mr.Tani Guchi is really very brave to survive and lived for so long.
He said that he cannot die in peace unless atomic bombs are completed removed.
Headed to Suzenji Park.
A beautiful park but it wasnt a natural landscape.
Visited the Shrine there which I have been wanted to going ever since I first knew about it.
I dont know why . I love the Shrine practices and stuffs.
I was the first to try out the prayers . Was over hyper at that point of time
Process :throw a coin, bow twice, clap twice, say your prayer & bow once. Done !
2 nights with Xiuhong in the same hotel.
Wow . We chatted a real lot .
I know what I had to you was really unbelievable but it was really the truth eh .
Thanks for allowing me blabbering so much .
Its is really a relief for me .
And Licheng ah . You bodoh or what .
Next time want scold people through phone please check who is the one answering the phone la.
Want scold me then scold until Geraldine .
How can I answer the phone when I am bathing . I fly out from bathroom is it when there are others to answer the phone call .
How 'cute' you are eh . LOLs.
Day 3
Kumamoto Castle .
It was freaking cold in the morning and we are in school uniform as we were having the school exchange during the noon so we had to wear our uniform for the whole day.
Disadvantages for the girls was we had to wear skirt and stockings .
It was claimed that stockings are able to keep warm but I was really freezing cold.
I forgotten to take my jacket down the coach , only had my scarf with me.
So since some guy was so man to willingly lent me his jacket , of course I will take right?
Seriously , his jacket is like so freaking warm due to its thickness .
But in Singapore even in aircon , to me Its like so bloody hot after you wore it .
Didnt know how he can stand it .
We get to learn about the insides of Kumamoto Castle and the stone walls usage.
Headed to Kumamoto Handicrafts Centre.
Oh man . D&T which I dont like at all. I cannot do well for D&T
We were assigned to do a sake cup.
I wasnt like some perfect guy who was crazy about D&T so I didnt really do my things well.
Clement was the first to complete and the first to do nothing .
There he was , random-ing around .
Tata! Finished products . Hahs seems nice but not well done >.<
Had Obento for lunch .
Syugakukan High School !
I thought I was going to find some really good looking guys there but sadly no.
BOO! None caught my eyes .
Students there were real friendly ok!
He is from China and She is from Philippines.
I seriously loved the taiko drums .
They were really energetic and kakko ii !
I had a great time there eh !
Had interaction with the students there .
Tata! Those are the ones who I interacted with .
The girl in uniform is a Phillipino .
All of them are aged 17 to 20 I think
But they dont seem that age right?
Random picture .
Ok this bus is the bus for the elementary school kids who are so freaking kawaii
Make me want to kidnap them home =D
I hi-five with one of the kiddy after they boarded the train bus .
The rest came wanting to hi-five too =D . SO KAWAII ! =D
Day 4
Visited the recycling plant there.

Japan Recycling system is way better compared to Singapore's one.
They have 22 recycling categories where as Singapore only have 3 categories .
What is the coolest to me about the recycling project was the glass bottles that werent able
to be recycled anymore are smashed into small pieces and filled together with the road .
When sunshine shines on the road , the road will turn *bling bling* SHINY!
Hahs .
Minamata Disease Museum
I only know that Mercury is poisonous but I didnt know that it can bring harm and make
someone go crazy , causing them to be disabled and such .
Minamata disease was officially recongnized in1956 . It is a form of poisoning caused by the consumption of fish and shellfish contaminated with methyl mercury compounds discharged into the sea as factory waste.
Minamata-shi is located in the southern part of Kumamoto Prefecture .
Chisson Minamata Factory was constrcted in 1908 and began discharging its effluent to the Minamata Bay in 1932. They produced acetaldehyde which is a raw material for various chemical products and they discharged factory waste contaminated with methyl mercury which is a by-product of the factory process.
Methyl mercury accumulated in the body through food chain and finally damaged brain and nerve systems of human beings.
Symptoms of Minamata Disease are : trembling of the hands and feet , movement disorder ,narrowing of the filed of vision , speech impediments , hearing impairment and so on .
No treatment available for the cure of this disease .
Despite the Minamata Disease , now Minamata is a eco-friendly area that see enviroment friendly as a important factor and conveys the message /lesson to all over the world .
Allowing others to know that this lesson they learnt and share with others the importance of eco-friendly .
Hotto House .
Patients who suffered from minamata diesease when they are still a foetus .
It is a place for the disable to have the relation with the community & people , to get together and work , for anybody to be free from the differences in the kinds and the degrees of disorder to join in & to get the chance to meet wonderful people over a cup of coffee.
At first , I was quite afraid of them actually.
But all of them where so cheerful and friendly .
Despite their disablilty , we were shared about their history and how they gone through so much in life.
All of them are like so hmm . I should say courageous .
They always had a smile on their faces. Laughing at each others humourous jokes .
I was really admiring at them .
Day 5
Mt Aso. Volcano crater.
Still a active volcano that is predicted to erupt soon .
World's largest caldera
It's misty and cold up there and I swear it stinks until you almost wanted to vomit out when wind blows and strong sulphur's smells are in the air .
I almost coughed till I wanted to puke out everything .
Went to the Volcano museum .
I was wanting to sleep when we are the video room .
Eyes was closing and I keep dozing off and awake.
Kikuchi gorge. Not Kichiko ok .
For god sake lols.
It was to be said that we are suppose to be hiking but I dont think that I am hiking at all.>.< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
Boo. I was anticipating to eat Japan's Macs which is a must whenever I go each country .
I wanted to taste how different their macs are from Singapore.
Well , I order the basics . Fillet-o-fish . Different taste .
But Singapore's is more appetizing but I prefer Japan's packaging and stuffs >.< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
Went around the mall and what irritates Xiuhong was Stitch
Because everywhere you turn there will be stitch hahs. That was like uber cute la !
I went crazy whenever I see one stitch and Xiuhong will go Argh . Blueblue again >.<
This is damn huge la ! I wanted to buy one lor but intheend didnt . BOO ~!
Clement and JunJie spent their time at Jump shop.
[FYI, Jump shop is a shop that sells anime stuffs.]
Which Clement kept buying and buying and Junjie also buybuybuy .
I almost wanted to say to them .
Eh hello , you buy buy buy cannot buy all at 1 shot is it.
Keep paying and take goods and pay again .
Why not you just buy the whole shop down .
Wouldnt it be better. Headed back to hotel .
Xiuhong and I were chatting about some stuffs which we didnt like .
& Cheryl came up to share a room with us .
Though the room is small but this makes the room more cosier =D
Cheryl slept first and there came Mr . Jingshun and Clement who came to our room to get maggie mee.
So we didnt want to disturb Cheryl.
We went down to the second floor to eat and chat . Blah blah .
Wasnt intending to sleep but intheend I had to because I couldnt stand 1 night without sleeping . Day 6 Time to return to Singapore .
Aww .. Sad.
S.I.A ! Oh my baby ! Had my Mario game in the plane . =D
Was playing then time to eat lunch .
After lunch , slept and awake for numerous times because I cannot sleep well in planes .
Was repeating to Xiuhong and Carene .
I cant believe I am back in Singapore for times without enthu .
Sounded so dead . >.< Back in singapore . Reporting temperature . 32 degree celcius .
I was like wth. How fabulous . So hot .
Ok.. Nevermind used for such weather for long already.
Daddy & Mummy came to fetch me and I wanted to eat .
So we went to West mall to have food.
Reached home .
Bathed and slept in my darling bed from 6pm - 9 am next morning.
That is why I didnt replied people's messages . I missed Japan seriously .
People there are so polite and friendly.
Sales assistant were all so friendly and had a smile in their face.
Unlike Singapore , frowning faces. BOOO!!!
Japan , I promised I will be back there again .
Tantingyew , is really a boliao guy thats the reason I called him boliao la .
You see la . I make everyone know that you my boliao muahaha .
Carene , is my ziliantwin . hahs . We love camwhor-ing .
Xiuhong , Zilian-ing isnt wrong . Right carene ? =D *winks*
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