Indefinite story 93

Exams are done .
Everything is over . Happy or not?
Well, i still dont have that confident in maths.
Just hope my result are good enough for my standard
I am not hoping for high attaining result since i not i cant.
But i know i do my own best . Yes , I studied , I worked hard for it
I have no regrets for this time common test at all.
[Its a super long post][I promise to post something for the LeadingFaith girls .
All of us the 5 of us . Keep a lookout it will be soon or later =D]
[And of course some of other friends . I cant possibly be posting all right?
Too long just like this one]
Well, SannaNuer specially for you
Everything has high and low .
Just like everyone is saying , life has up & down right?
Its not going smooth for you this time.
Work harder next time .
You are a smart girl that what i know ok?
All the best for the later result and other common test girl .
1 Failure isnt something even though
when i know the times i went crying even badly compare to you.
Just like what I say , As long as you done your best .
No one can blame you . If you are not willingly to forgive you ,
Theres nothing i can say.
Cheer up girl . Theres alot of people concern about you .
Do find us to talk about the problems you have ok?
I love you take care and no more tears eh
Extracted from Rene blog=D :
saw Lolly in th morning while on th way to tuition .
hahs . Long time no see worhs . LOL ! :x
she asked me to cut down .
cus im spending tooooooooooo much ! T-T
Deleted some of th items in my wishlist .
sadd ! but i have to control . T-T
& I shall nort buy unnecessary stuffs anymore . D:
Hope So . :x
Lolly's really damn good to me laarhs .
Helping me in alort of things norhs .
like now , helping me in my blogshop .
I guess my life will turn 360degree w/o her norhs .
abit exaggerating but it's sooooooooo true .
8 yrs & still counting . smaucks ! :D
Your post let me remind of something see your old archives again here =D
This was the post of yours i ever saved =D
The post i read till i cried . Its like last year or 2006 end of year work?
fight , quarrel yet share ;
th best of th best buddy ever .
Friends can even go beyond Families .
wasnt gonna post acturally ,
but becus Yiling lollipop sent me one pic .
she edit der . damn fuckin nice larhs .
smaucks x33s !so pretty larhs .. jealous seh *
hahs .
but hors , Yiling arhs ,
there's abit of grammar errors in tht thingy ehs .
hahs . ps arhs . but it's really nice .
i'll rmb yoo throughout my whole life ,
even if we are in different schs . ((:
yoo are forever irreplaceable lurhs .
although yoo cant be by my side 24hrs ,
yoo'll always be by my heart 24hrs .
yoo are my best best best friend since p1 .
we knew each other as stranger
then classmate then friends
then sweeties then lollipops .
throughout th growth of us , we knew each other
more & more & treasure each other .
as we might nort know what will happen tmrl ,
or even th next second .
for all tht yoo did for me , i'll rmb by heart .
those encourage-ment , those dance movement yoo've taught me ,
those sweetness , love & all , best wishes ever .
whenever yoo need help , i'll be there . ((:
th present yoo gave is always a surprise .
i love yoo ever & ever girl . ((:
smaucls x33s !
forever lollipops !
hooked fingers , promised made *
lollipop-ship never ends .
i realise this post is just for Yiling lollipop ehs . hahs .
& btw , Happy CNY in advance . (((:
ps. Theyneverrealise , theyneverknew .