Indefinite story 47
hmm.. today ar? woke up early can consider ^^ 9am..
woots no need alarm then auto wake up ^^
wah... miracle. and so played com awhile lor
till 11.30 then stop go eat... then 11.45 then prepare everything
11.52 then i leave house... so according to my phone i am not late. by 1 min ^^
but to fang is late by 1 mins so.. T.T
NVM.. then went up to buy ticket la... walao donno how to choose where to go de...
Blah blah blah ... was like damn cold at the cinema... hand was freezing indeed
So after everything , i went to aries lor buy those hair accessicious since
i always lost it... went home
then omg i realised i nvr save all my mums edited the pic.. wah...
tio scolding la... sian lor... everytime lidat de...
I want to buy the theraband !!! donno singapore have sell anot..
damn it... i super jealous over damn dancers in dance school
nice turnout and everything. I want to be like this...
donno when lor.. so sian.. must work hard!!

one of the better neos i took ^^ i noe u may comment as super ac la.. but i don mind^^
woots no need alarm then auto wake up ^^
wah... miracle. and so played com awhile lor
till 11.30 then stop go eat... then 11.45 then prepare everything
11.52 then i leave house... so according to my phone i am not late. by 1 min ^^
but to fang is late by 1 mins so.. T.T
NVM.. then went up to buy ticket la... walao donno how to choose where to go de...
Blah blah blah ... was like damn cold at the cinema... hand was freezing indeed
So after everything , i went to aries lor buy those hair accessicious since
i always lost it... went home
then omg i realised i nvr save all my mums edited the pic.. wah...
tio scolding la... sian lor... everytime lidat de...
I want to buy the theraband !!! donno singapore have sell anot..
damn it... i super jealous over damn dancers in dance school
nice turnout and everything. I want to be like this...
donno when lor.. so sian.. must work hard!!

one of the better neos i took ^^ i noe u may comment as super ac la.. but i don mind^^