Indefinite story 4
Today got presentation so ok la not really very nervous
Wantin the lessons to end faster
cause I was hungry INEEDFOOD!!!
History change teacher to miss tan
Sian la if 1 more complain class detention again
When can they keep their mouth shut
always quarrelling damn idoitic lor
recess went with gee fang
Science ^^ my favourite lesson hahs
We are learning Energy till mr lau
say nuclear bomb muahaha dunno wat
radioactive ;radiation cause ppl die
We are so hyper active in it
Mother tongue 1st time listening so throughly
but then till 15mins before bell ring
I cant tahan le la IAMHUNGRY!!!
I just cant sit still
After school i went home change
then 2.30 went out with Kanglong for his birthday
Talking crap once again now he same height as me la
I say if he shorter then me now then he got prob ,,,
hahs We went to level 3 de sushi place
Eat eat eat ^^
He so scare get frens to see him around
hahs of coz la Bill was really cheap
He insist of paying then ok lor
then i insist of taking neoprints hahs ^^
If he dun have go watch movie with fren
then i will want him pei wo go shopping
and take alot of neoprint le wor
IJUSTLOVEHIM as a very gd fren ok ^^
Below is our neoprints
He say i bully him where got
he bully me first de lor ^^"

Wantin the lessons to end faster
cause I was hungry INEEDFOOD!!!
History change teacher to miss tan
Sian la if 1 more complain class detention again
When can they keep their mouth shut
always quarrelling damn idoitic lor
recess went with gee fang
Science ^^ my favourite lesson hahs
We are learning Energy till mr lau
say nuclear bomb muahaha dunno wat
radioactive ;radiation cause ppl die
We are so hyper active in it
Mother tongue 1st time listening so throughly
but then till 15mins before bell ring
I cant tahan le la IAMHUNGRY!!!
I just cant sit still
After school i went home change
then 2.30 went out with Kanglong for his birthday
Talking crap once again now he same height as me la
I say if he shorter then me now then he got prob ,,,
hahs We went to level 3 de sushi place
Eat eat eat ^^
He so scare get frens to see him around
hahs of coz la Bill was really cheap
He insist of paying then ok lor
then i insist of taking neoprints hahs ^^
If he dun have go watch movie with fren
then i will want him pei wo go shopping
and take alot of neoprint le wor
IJUSTLOVEHIM as a very gd fren ok ^^
Below is our neoprints
He say i bully him where got
he bully me first de lor ^^"